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Egyptian Goddesses - T

The title of Isis as weaver and knotter of the threads of Fate, governing all happenings with Her magical manipulation of strands.

(Taueret, Taurt, Apet, Opet; Greek Thoueris, Thoeris, Toeris) Egyptian Mother Goddess of the Nile. The Great Hippopotamus Goddess of childbirth and nursing.
She was the protectress of pregnant woman and infants, also of rebirth into the afterlife.
She was depicted as a pregnant hippopotamus with human breasts, with the hind legs of a lioness and the tail of a crocodile. This appearance was meant to frighten off any spirits that might be harmful to the child.

The daughter of Ra, she was sometimes considered the mother of Isis and Osiris, ND sometimes considered the wife of Set. She was often depicted holding the Sa amulet symbolizing protection. As a protective deity of childbirth, she was often depicted in the company of the dwarf god Bes, who had a similar function. Taueret was most popular among ordinary Egyptians as a protectress, pregnant women commonly wore amulets bearing the goddess's image.

(Lioness, sometimes the Uraeus Serpent) Primordial divinity created by Atum or, in some mythologies by Ptah. As consort to her brother Su, she is ancestress of all the remaining Gods and Goddesses through their offspring Geb and Nut. Her primary attribute is as patroness of water.

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