Mijochi Litter
Mijochi Miss Bella & Mijochi Ossie Boy
Pedigree here

Mijochi Miss Bella

Mijochi Miss Bella

Mijochi Miss Bella

Bella all dressed up in her hat!

Mijochi Ossie Boy ("Richard") - exported to Hawaii

Our sincere thanks to Lillian Spender of Sydney, Australia,
for supplying us with Bella's photo's and allowing us to use them.

View Bella & Richard's Pedigree here

Smoothcoat Photos [1] [2] [3]
Smoothcoat Pedigrees


A word of warning for the puppy buyer - in recent months some pet shops in the Sydney area have been selling smooth-coated Löwchens as "show quality" - the smooth-coated Löwchen does pop up in litters periodically, but it is not desired, and it would be most doubtful if one would win in the show ring against quality Löwchens. Ethical breeders would not use a smooth-coated Löwchen in their breeding programs. If you are looking for a lovely Löwchen puppy - go here to find a breeder closest to you who can guide you in the right direction. We do not knowingly associate with, or list any breeders who retail puppies through pet shops!


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