Dog Skeleton



Cardiovascular System ~ Heart and Blood Vessels
Performs the function of pumping and carrying blood to the body. Blood contains nutrients and oxygen providing energy that allows the cells of the body to perform work.

Lymphatic System ~ Lymph Nodes and Lymph Vessels
The lymphatic system includes the lymph nodes and lymph vessels. Part of the immune system that helps the body fight-off disease. Works with the cardiovascular system to return fluids from the blood vessels. 

Digestive System ~ Mouth, Teeth, Salivary Glands, Esophageus, Stomach, Small & Large Intestine, Pancreas, Colon, Liver, and Gall Bladder
Performs the absorption and digestion of food and eliminates waste from the body.

Integumentary System ~ Skin and Fur
The skin is the largest organ in the body, it has many functions including protection for the underlying organs. The fur helps insulate against heat loss. Dogs and cats do not sweat through their skin. They only sweat from their footpads and nose. They lose water by panting rather than sweating.

Musculoskeletal System ~ Bones, Muscles and Joints
The musculoskeletal system includes all the muscles, bones and joints [shoulder, elbow, rear leg, stifle (knee)].

Respiratory System ~ Mouth, Nose, Trachea, and Lungs
Responsible for taking in oxygen, eliminating waste gases like Carbon Dioxide, and regulating temperature.

Urogenital System ~ Kidneys, Urinary Bladder, Genitals, Ureters, Urethra
Responsible for removing waste from the blood and eliminating urine. Genital organs determine sex and reproduction.

Nervous System ~ Brain, Spinal Cord, and Nerves
Includes the brain, spinal cord and all the nerves that communicate between tissues and the brain and spinal cord. 

Endocrine System ~ Thyroid Glands, Adrenal Glands and Parathyroid Glands
Includes several glands that produce hormones. Hormones are substances that travel through the blood stream and affect other organs. Endocrine organs include the thyroid glands, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands and part of the pancreas.

Hemotopoietic System ~ Bone Marrow and the Blood Cells
Includes the bone marrow which is located inside the bones. Three types of blood cells are made in the bone marrow: white blood cells that fight infection, red blood cells that carry oxygen and platelets that are part of the blood clotting process.

Special Senses of the Dog ~ Eyes, Ears
The organs of special senses allow the animal to interact with its environment; sight, taste, smell and hearing. 


Cardiovascular System ~ Heart and Blood Vessels
Performs the function of pumping and carrying blood to the body. Blood contains nutrients and oxygen providing energy that allows the cells of the body to perform work.

Lymphatic System ~ Lymph Nodes and Lymph Vessels
The lymphatic system includes the lymph nodes and lymph vessels. Part of the immune system that helps the body fight-off disease. Works with the cardiovascular system to return fluids from the blood vessels. 

Digestive System ~ Mouth, Teeth, Salivary Glands, Esophageus, Stomach, Small & Large Intestine, Pancreas, Colon, Liver, and Gall Bladder
Performs the absorption and digestion of food and eliminates waste from the body.

Integumentary System ~ Skin and Fur
The skin is the largest organ in the body, it has many functions including protection for the underlying organs. The fur helps insulate against heat loss. Dogs and cats do not sweat through their skin. They only sweat from their footpads and nose. They lose water by panting rather than sweating.

Musculoskeletal System ~ Bones, Muscles and Joints
The musculoskeletal system includes all the muscles, bones and joints [shoulder, elbow, rear leg, stifle (knee)].

Respiratory System ~ Mouth, Nose, Trachea, and Lungs
Responsible for taking in oxygen, eliminating waste gases like Carbon Dioxide, and regulating temperature.

Urogenital System ~ Kidneys, Urinary Bladder, Genitals, Ureters, Urethra
Responsible for removing waste from the blood and eliminating urine. Genital organs determine sex and reproduction.

Nervous System ~ Brain, Spinal Cord, and Nerves
Includes the brain, spinal cord and all the nerves that communicate between tissues and the brain and spinal cord. 

Endocrine System ~ Thyroid Glands, Adrenal Glands and Parathyroid Glands
Includes several glands that produce hormones. Hormones are substances that travel through the blood stream and affect other organs. Endocrine organs include the thyroid glands, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands and part of the pancreas.

Hemotopoietic System ~ Bone Marrow and the Blood Cells
Includes the bone marrow which is located inside the bones. Three types of blood cells are made in the bone marrow: white blood cells that fight infection, red blood cells that carry oxygen and platelets that are part of the blood clotting process.

Special Senses of the Dog ~ Eyes, Ears
The organs of special senses allow the animal to interact with its environment; sight, taste, smell and hearing. 


Digestion begins in the mouth where food is mixed with saliva to lubricate the food as it passes down the esophageus. Dog's teeth are suited for gripping, tearing and shredding the food. (Go here to Canine Dental Anatomy). Dog's saliva does not contain enzymes for digesting carbohydrates, like humans who have amylase. 

Swallowed food passes down the esophageus to the stomach. The stomach of a canine is very acidic with a pH as low as 1. Food is well mixed and broken down before contents leave the stomach as chyme. 

Small Intestine:
Chyme is fluid that passes easily into the the small intestine, where the pancrease provides additional digestive enzymes. These enzymes continue protein digestion and also provide carbohydrate and fat digestion.

Large Intestine:
Most of the nutrients have been digested and absorbed by the time any food reaches the large intestine. It is were water is absorbed and bacteria can break down undigested fibre.




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